Time Capsules That Turn Back the Clock

Time Capsules That Turn Back the Clock

Botox has had its day, £150 ‘super creams’ are a waste of money and time, and Fraxel’s days are numbered! The new kid on the block is actually not that new at all, but it seems to be the fastest way to turn back time on your face and body. What you put into your body...

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Removing Free Radicals

Removing Free Radicals

A sliced apple becomes brown. Bread becomes stale after a while. A cut on the skin becomes painful and inflamed. These are all examples of a natural process known as oxidation and it happens to all cells in nature including those in the human body. To help protect the...

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Cell Regeneration

Cell Regeneration

In our young days, cells are constantly renewing themselves replenishing the bones, skin, teeth, eyes, and organs to ensure our bodies function at an optimum level. As we start to get older, the regeneration of cells starts to slow down naturally and this can mean...

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The Top 10 Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have been used for thousands of years to promote a healthy body, increase energy, and reverse the signs of aging. It’s hard to believe this miraculous little seed was almost forgotten as such a valuable super food. Thankfully, chia seeds are making a...

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Benefits of Ester C

Benefits of Ester C

You are what you eat! Yes, we have all heard that statement over and over again, yet not many people really take conscious efforts to protect and guide their body from harm. It’s great to have regular check-ups and partake in occasional healthy, body-building...

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The Role of Antioxidant Supplements

The Role of Antioxidant Supplements

Antioxidant supplements are exactly what their name implies. These supplements work hard to neutralise and eliminate free radicals in your body by preventing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is bad news to your cells as it can cause them to transform and mutate....

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Celadrin – a pain free way of life

Celadrin – a pain free way of life

Those who experience regular pains and inflammatory problems in joints will know that finding a fast-acting, long-term and pain-free solution of increased motion and flexibility in the sore joints might be deemed impossible. Most medications claim that they ‘cure’...

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How to Avoid the Dangers of Aspartame

How to Avoid the Dangers of Aspartame

Aspartame goes by many names and many have been given to attempt to conceal or ‘dress up’ this harmful artificial sweetener. NutraSweet, Splender, Spoonfull and many other names have been given to aspartame to push it into our homes. The sweetener was actually...

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